Shopping for a picky eater.

When Redford and I decided to adventure out into some new foods, it was fun...and also hard. I remember looking around and thinking, "why isn't Redford eating what every typical one and a half year olds eat... what am i doing wrong." The answer is NOTHING. You are doing nothing wrong. We have experimented food a lot, tried one thing and absolutely loved it.. the next week cooking the same thing he loved, then hating it. I felt like I failed him as a nanny. I thought we were on the right track to getting food that he would love. I wanted to get him to start expanding his palette. I wanted him to start enjoying the art of food and educating him on healthy eating. You know you gotta start them young!!! Am I right?!! So we started on a journey to learn to love and enjoy eating with friends and family. I think there was a turning point when Redford started to ask to try my food, so I would give him a bite of my food. I would be so vocal about how yummy my food was(mhmmmm, yummy!), he started to catch on how yummy it was. One of the most recent loves we discovered was smoothies! YES, he loves smoothies!  Although we do have our moments where we don't like certain foods. I put together a shopping list of things to make for your 1-2 year old. This is a quick variety of food for breakfast, lunches, and snacks. Get creative with it!

-Yogurt (we love siggis, its a whole milk based yogurt that is soooo yummy)
-Cream cheese
-Sliced cheese
-Shredded cheese

-Lunch meat


-Orange slices

Pantry items:
-Peanut butter
-Fruit bars 

-Chicken nuggets
-Carrot and potato fries
-Brazilian cheese bread 
-Frozen veggies/fruit (for smoothies) 


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